MR Urban Exploration vs Physical Urban Exploration

April 20, 2022


Urban exploration, popularly known as urbex, is the act of exploring man-made structures, often abandoned, that provide a unique perspective on the past and present of urban environments. With the advent of technological advancements, now it's possible to explore urban spaces digitally through mixed reality (MR). While both MR and physical exploration have their advantages and disadvantages, in this post, we will make a factual comparison between the two.

Availability and Accessibility

Physical exploration requires the exploration to travel to the location which might not be feasible for everyone. Exploring abandoned and dangerous locations is often illegal and can be dangerous for the physical explorer. Whereas, with MR urban exploration, you can explore places in real-time without risking injury or breaking the law.

Physical Interaction

Physical exploration provides a sensory experience that MR can't match. In physical exploration, you can feel the textures of the environment and truly experience the place. With MR, it can be difficult to simulate the same depth of experience as the environment is limited to only what can be seen through the MR device.


Physical exploration often requires costly equipment and expertise to ensure safety. Experienced explorers may need to procure climbing and safety equipment, which can be expensive. On the contrary, MR exploration can be done with only an MR device, which is relatively cheaper.

Engagement and Experience

Physical exploration provides a unique social experience that MR can't match. It's an opportunity to bond with fellow explorers and make memories together. Whereas, MR urban exploration provides a more solitary experience. It can be done from the comfort of your own home.


Whether it's physical or MR urban exploration, both provide their own unique experiences. Physical exploration provides a sensory experience that MR can't quite match, but with the advent of technological advancements, MR exploration comes with its benefits. Ultimately, the decision between the two types of exploration comes down to personal preference.


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